yoga your way

Unique Savasana Options

There are no real rules when it comes to savasana. Corpse pose is an homage to the meditative state the original practitioners of yoga committed to for hours after asanas. The purpose is self-reflection and meditation—but that doesn’t always look the same way. Some yogis find today’s most common pose aspect (laying down with legs and arms slightly spread) uncomfortable for their lower back, so they choose to bend their knees. Some prefer to sit in a seated position.

Yoga Your Way: How to Stop Worrying and Love your Limits

I have a confession to make. In the not-so-distant past I was one of those yogis who irritates the ‘normal’ people in class. I would hang around for thirty minutes before class practicing my arm balances, I would do every single advanced posture in every class. If the teacher happened to include Crow Pose, you can bet I would be pressing from Crow to Handstand and back while most people were still struggling to lift their toes from the floor.