women’s health

A Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Better Wellness

Two years ago, after several years trying various birth control options and failing to find one that felt right for me, I came off the pill for good. Before leaving hormonal contraceptives behind, I did my research, arming myself with books, courses, and information that would help me make informed decisions about how to maintain my fertility while preventing pregnancy. Beyond finding a method that works for me and my life, I finally started to understand what a healthy cycle was supposed to look like and why it mattered. 


Sacred Trees: Hawthorn Folklore, Medicine & Food

Hawthorn (Crataegus) is rich in magical lore and medicine. The name Hawthorn reflects the berries (haw) and thorns found on this tree. It’s a small tree with big thorns that will remind you if you’re being too greedy harvesting the flowers, and later in the summer, the berries.  


Natural Support For PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reasons for fertility issues in the West.  The name reflects that fact that in some of the cases, one or both of the ovaries accumulate multiple cysts…in some cases so much so that the ovary looks like swiss cheese on an ultrasound.

Chasteberry For PMS, Irregular Cycles, Fertility & More

When PMS comes around to visit, most women grab ibuprofen to relieve menstrual cramps, headaches, and other nasty side effects that occur near their menstrual cycle. While these over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can alleviate the pain, they often come with less-than-pleasant side effects, particularly when used long term.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews – [Taking Charge Of Your Fertility By Toni Weschler]

Toni Weschler’s Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health is a monster. More than 500 pages long, the book covers everything related to the Fertility Awareness Method, including anatomy, the menstrual cycle, fertility signs, balancing your hormones, and pregnancy—and that’s just the start.

Yoga as a Remedy for PMS

Bloating, cramps, headaches, body aches, swelling, breast tenderness, mood swings -- is this what we were destined for? To a young girl newly entering puberty I knew nothing better. I entered the era of menstruation without proper initiation or training. I had no wisdom-woman grooming me in the way to consciously awaken into my womanhood. I only had societal conditioning, programming, and a mother who grew up with shame and guilt around bleeding.

8 Herbs For Boosting Breast Health

Ladies: although our beautiful breasts come in many different shapes and sizes, we all need to keep them as healthy as we can. Performing regular breast exams can help ensure your breasts are healthy and cancer-free. Along with performing regular exams, you can also help to promote breast wellness with certain herbs.

Check out these 10 herbs for boosting breast health!

Superfood 101: Flaxseed!

Flaxseeds have been cultivated in the Mediterranean basin as far back as 4000 B.C.E. There is evidence that man has been eating flaxseed as far back as the Neolithic Era. Flaxseed is comprised of flavorful meat which is packed with oil and has many nutritional and healing benefits. The non-food grade flaxseed oil is known as linseed oil, which is used commercially in paints and wood finishes. Flaxseed is used in livestock feed and is grown throughout the world.

Ayurvedic Hacks For Pain Free Periods

According to Ayurveda, the menstrual period should happen every 28 days, last about three days and be pain free. That said, if you do face painful periods then here is what you should know and do…