
Easy Roasted Jerusalem Artichoke Recipe

Jerusalem Artichokes are also known as sunroots or sunchokes. This root vegetable is super delicious and beneficial for your health. Jerusalem Artichokes are loaded with potassium, iron, and probiotic fiber, as well as vitamins B and C. If you have never tried Jerusalem Artichokes before, one of the best and easiest ways to prepare them is by simply roasting them. Here is an easy-to-follow recipe I have provided for making roasted Jerusalem Artichokes.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Serving Size: 2


5 Weird Root Vegetables You Must Try This Fall

Get creative this fall and mix up your root vegetables! Sure, you can't go wrong with staples like potatoes and carrots, but why not embrace the adventurous chef in you? There is a bounty of weird, knobby looking roots that are great for mashing, roasting, sautéing, and pureeing. Next time you are in the mood for cooking up some roots, give one of these a try.
