
Shakti Fest 2017: An Inside Look At A Conscious Revolution

“These events are about diving deeper into what really matters: love, truth, compassion, integrity and humility. We are here to build spiritual community and bring people together during difficult times,” says Sridhar Silberfein, executive producer of Bhakti and Shakti festivals.

Inevitable Dreams

I have big dreams for myself and the world. I want social and economic justice for all. I want to live in a place where racism is eradicated, poverty is eliminated, and everyone has their basic needs met. Even typing that sentence I want to laugh because it seems ludicrous. I want to pat myself on the head condescendingly and say, “That’s great Rebekah. You keep having those dreams. I’ll be over here in the real world while you live in fantasy land.”

Screen Addiction, Part 2: Our Conscious Evolution

From a higher perspective, humanity is at a historical breakthrough point of technological advancement. Through the Internet, we have become empowered to realize our creative and social potential unlike ever before.

The Cosmic Story - Pisces Lunar Eclipse, September 16, 2016: Believe It or Not!

The other day when I was out doing my laundry, an aging Baby-Boomer said to me, “When are you gonna take your Bernie sticker off your car?”  I looked at him and said, “Never.”  He started in on me about how Bernie was leading a ‘60s style revolution (yes, indeed he was) and the kids just didn't step up.  I was stunned. So I said, “That's not true at all.” I said perhaps it was that the establishment just wasn't ready for such radical change all at once.

The Role of the Artist (and Writer)

On Wednesday, I had a full-on meltdown. I’m talking lying on the floor while tears streamed down my cheeks. What precipitated the meltdown was feeling like I’m not fully utilizing my talents, and at the same time unclear what precisely that means. What am I doing with my life and how can I make money doing what I love? Add in a dose of doubt that my dreams are even possible, and you have a synthesis of my breakdown.