Positive Thinking

Transcending The Trap Of Reality

If we only accept and see reality as it is, how can we create a better future? Many of us give up on directing the future because we see current patterns in our personal lives or patterns in society as inevitable processes. When we allow our lives to go on autopilot, we forfeit our personal power.

Life does not happen to us, life happens because of us! Many of the situations we find ourselves in today are based on choices we made in the past. Although we can’t possibly control everything in our lives, we have a lot more power to direct our future than we often realize.

Shift Your Mind: 10 Powerful Positive Thoughts

Humans are born with this amazing, innate ability:  We have the ability to put our minds into a positive place just by thinking, listening, or seeing positive things. Even though there may be negative things happening around us, there is good around and in us if we choose to see it. I’ve put together ten powerful positive thoughts and images that will help shift your mind to a more optimistic place.  Remember, hearing them is helpful too, so feel free to read these thoughts out loud as well.