PMS symptoms

Chasteberry For PMS, Irregular Cycles, Fertility & More

When PMS comes around to visit, most women grab ibuprofen to relieve menstrual cramps, headaches, and other nasty side effects that occur near their menstrual cycle. While these over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can alleviate the pain, they often come with less-than-pleasant side effects, particularly when used long term.

Yoga as a Remedy for PMS

Bloating, cramps, headaches, body aches, swelling, breast tenderness, mood swings -- is this what we were destined for? To a young girl newly entering puberty I knew nothing better. I entered the era of menstruation without proper initiation or training. I had no wisdom-woman grooming me in the way to consciously awaken into my womanhood. I only had societal conditioning, programming, and a mother who grew up with shame and guilt around bleeding.

5 Ways To Improve Your Menstrual Cycle

I envy the women who are lucky enough to experience a pain-free menstrual cycle each month and essentially go about their daily lives with little to no interruption as their monthly moon waxes and wanes. 

My experience has been quite the opposite for as long as I can remember.

Natural PMS & Cramps Relief

Premenstrual symptoms are something lots of cis-women go through roughly every month for much of their lives. Some common symptoms include cramps, bloating, increased acne, depression, irritability and tender breasts. Research is still being conducted on why women experience PMS, and some doctors even believe PMS could be hereditary.

Natural Ways To Treat & Soothe These 9 PMS Symptoms

Having a menstrual cycle is beneficial for a woman’s body.  It’s a natural process which drains the body of extra iron, prevents women from getting cardiovascular disease, and cleanses the reproductive system from certain kinds of bacteria. What’s not enjoyable is when your menstrual cycle comes with a side of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms, which are usually physically, emotionally, and mentally uncomfortable for women. Recently, I found out that there were 9 undesired PMS symptoms that women commonly acquire before their menstrual cycle. But, here’s some good news!