New Moon

Spiritual & Creative Activities Bring Benefits Under Sagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius New Moon on December 6, 2018, happily coincides with a number of beneficial celestial transits, which will make this a very bright time for you!

All of this happens within little more than a 24-hour period at the New Moon: 

August New Moon Solar Eclipse: Revelations, Discoveries & Communication

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo the Lion on Saturday, August 11 will provide you the energy to roar! With the Sun, Moon, and talkative Mercury in Leo, this is a time to express yourself! But also remember to LISTEN too! Leonine energy is warm, generous, and supportive. But much important information can be glossed over under the radiant influence of Leo the Lion.

Aries New Moon: Being Your Own World

Aries New Moon –  April 15, 2018 

A New Moon is a time to set intentions for what we’d like to see come to fruition by the time of the Full Moon. Having a better understanding of the luminary and planetary energies allows us to make better choices and helps ensure that our actions will provide the positive results we are looking for.

Capricorn New Moon: Innovation For All The Right Reasons

Capricorn New Moon—Jan. 16, 2018

The first New Moon of 2018 symbolizes a fresh new beginning and sets the tone for the entire year! New Moons are always about setting our intentions for the goals we want to accomplish for the month. The planets offer us energies to use to help us along the way and open our awareness of the possibilities we can create.

Chat With A Healer: Andrea Bryant - July's New Moon in Leo

Astrologer Andrew Bryant chats with Basmati about what the Leo New Moon has in store this month!


Chat With A Healer: Andrea Bryant - June's New Moon In Cancer

Astrologer Andrew Bryant chats with Basmati about what the Cancer New Moon has in store this month!