
Spend Quality Time With Kids (Not Quantity)

You may not have too much time at hand. To children though, quality matters more than quantity; so make your time with them as fun, imaginative, and creative as possible—for their sake and yours.

The Ayurveda Guide To Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many—but especially so for the mother. According to Ayurveda, pregnancy is a time to balance the vata dosha, the energy of air and space. The vata energy, which resides in the nervous system, is responsible for proper fetal development.

How To Be A YogiMama At Home When You Can’t Make It To The Studio

As a woman who used to go to the yoga studio as many as five times per day to either teach or take a class, having my first child really threw me. My body was so fit and my mind so calm that I went into withdrawal for my alone time on the mat. For years I tried to figure out ways to still make it to the studio, to teach and not neglect my growing child. I even got certified in Itsy Bitsy Yoga, so I could bring my baby to yoga with me. I was a yoga-addict.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews: [Poser by Claire Dederer]

Crow pose: You start in a squat, from which flight seems unlikely. You lift your hips, plant your palms, place your knees on your upper arms, and then…well, often, nothing. Flight is scary—the fear of face planting keeps many people grounded.

Mother's Day Special: A Celebration Of "Mothering"

Merriam Webster defines the noun “mother” as: “a female parent.”

Merriam Webster also defines the verb “mother” as: “to give birth to or to give rise to.”

How New Moms Recover From Childbirth – The Traditional Indian Way

Why is it that pregnant women are revered and taken special care of, whereas as soon as the baby is born, the new mother is left to adjust to motherhood while all of the focus shifts to the new infant?