off-grid living

Living Off The Grid: Solar Panels - A Beginner's Guide (Part 2)

As we discussed in part one of Solar Panels: A Beginner’s Guide, solar panels and solar systems can be very simple but at the same time very complex. A simple system is designed to take the power produced by the sun and absorb it into the solar panels.

Living Off The Grid: Wine Making

There truly is an art to creating a fine tasting bottle of wine. Wine is the art of fermenting fruits and berries in water with sugars and yeasts.

Living Off The Grid: Straw Bale Cold Frames 101

The end of the growing season for passionate gardeners can be a bummer. But, to anyone who wants to grow food longer and start it out earlier, this is the article for you.

Being self-sustainable in every way possible is great, so growing your food – and as much of it as you can – is important. Cold frames are a great addition to any garden because you can use them to lengthen your growing season, both by giving plants longer to grow before it gets cold and also by allowing you to start some seedlings early.

Living Off The Grid: Filling Your Pantry

 A big part of off-grid living is learning to be as self-reliant as possible. One of the many ways to become more self-reliant is to grow, harvest, forage, and store as much of your own food as you can manage.