
Gemini New Moon: Connect, Communicate & Cultivate!

New Moon 22°44′ Gemini – June 13, 2018

A New Moon is Nature’s directive for each of us to expand upon our unique potential. It is up to us to review the energetic opportunity and decide to set an intention. 

Gemini Full Moon: Choices and the Muddled Mind!

Gemini Full Moon—Dec. 3, 2017

Writing this Full Moon article has been my biggest astrological writing challenge to date! I have tried, off and on over the course of a week, only to end up frustrated by distraction and confusion by a Gemini Moon and a retrograde Mercury!

Gemini Birthstones: Sodalite And Serpentine

Gemini is the sign of the twins. It is a very mentally oriented sign which can often manifest as a sort of “dual nature.” Communication is a strong suit for the natural Gemini and ruled by Mercury the messenger we find Gemini governing largely the throat chakra as well as standing at the helm of right and left brain integration (or disintegration).