
Essential Oil Essentials: Blend Your Own Seasonal Scent For Autumn

Autumn is approaching, at least for those of us with discernible seasons. Though days here in Durango, Colorado, are still reaching the 90s, nights and mornings are cool and the sun is getting lower in the sky.  Whether you love pumpkin spice and changing leaves or struggle with the shortening daylight hours, a great way to mark the seasonal change is to make your own natural perfume blend for the fall. 

“Cure” Your Insomnia With These 3 Realizations


What if you could see your insomnia not as insomnia at all—not as some “ailment” that needs fixing, but rather, as something else, something that was serving your evolutionary process?

What Is Turiya And How Can You Get There?

I was first introduced to the concept of Turiya when studying and practicing yoga nidra at yoga school in India. It was described to me as a fourth state of consciousness, which encompassed the three most familiar: the unconscious, the subconscious, and the conscious mind.

7 Best Practices To Make Your Vision A Reality

We often hear the phrases “the sky’s the limit” or “dream big,” but how often do we actually pursue those dreams? The reality is that many people have big dreams in the back of their minds, but they think their dreams are too unrealistic or unfeasible to even take seriously. As a result, the majority of people settle for a career or a way of life that they may not particularly love, but that allows them to live comfortably and pay the bills.