dental care

Holistic & Natural Dental Care

Brushing your teeth with conventional toothpaste can do more harm than good. That's because conventional toothpaste has a bunch of questionable ingredients. Want to create a more natural, holistic dental care routine? Here's how to ditch conventional products and get a holistic dental care routine down. 

How To Make All-Natural Mouthwash

I tend to get canker sores a lot. They're always inside my mouth and they’re such a pain to deal with. That's why I decided to share this recipe today: It's specifically designed to treat canker sores. That's because rosemary and tea tree oil have antibacterial properties (and are also great at preventing plaque build up). Not to mention I cannot stand how conventional mouthwash is loaded with synthetic chemicals (and alcohol, which burns your mouth). This one is all-natural and totally easy to make at home.

Why You Can (And Totally Should) Make Your Own Toothpaste

Oh, the irony. So many of the products we use for personal hygiene are actually full of not-so-clean chemicals. Fortunately, we now have more transparency about ingredients, so we can decide what to put on our shelves.

It may take some time and money to give your entire bathroom cabinet a health makeover, so it’s important to prioritize. First up? Toothpaste.