Intro To Hindu Deities: Kali The Divine Feminine Rage
There has never been a more alive time to know Kali than now, during what Vedic texts and other ancient scriptures deem the Kali Yuga—or era of Kali, era of Vice—which is what the current 1000 years we are in is called. Kali is the fierce and Dark aspect of the Divine Feminine who is comfortable with her rage, using it to call forth great change and destroy all that no longer serves.
How to Construct Your Life like a Hindu Temple
In India, temples are constructed with intention and obvious care utilizing the Science of Dwelling known as Vastu Shastra. The way the temples are built is meant to both reflect and inspire connection to the One Divine Source of creation as it also manifests within each person. By silently emitting a frequency and sacred geometry of balanced practical life merged with liberation, the Hindu temple is the perfect example of how to construct your life in alignment with universal balance.