
5 Ways Breathwork Brings Big Beauty Benefits

Breathwork is not a product you can buy, but it is a concept you should buy into. For centuries, monks, meditators, and gurus have promoted the miraculous benefits of breathwork. But they don’t need to preach, actually. The proof is in the pudding: Look at the glow on the face of any breathwork practitioner and see the benefits before your very eyes.

4 Breathing-Based Meditation Techniques For A Stress-Less Life!

The roadmap to a mindful life lies in the simple pleasure of consciously becoming aware. In particular, meditation techniques provide individuals with introspective means of becoming conscious of their own sensations, thoughts, and feelings as they exist without judgment and over-identification. Often times this goes well and meditators feel a sense of joyful peace and freedom. Their flow of mind seems to float in a transcendent state of gratitude and appreciation.