
Aries Birthstones: Igniting Passion and Intention with Diamond & Bloodstone

At the return of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, Aries sits at the beginning of the zodiac, representative of the start of something new. The stones that support the energy of this sign assist in the task, as Bloodstone instills courage and Diamond not only brings clarity, but inspires ingenuity. These two crystals together bless the Aries-natured person, or one who is wishing to align with her fiery nature, to be bold and brave in the face of challenges.

The Hero Within Us

Previously, I wrote about how I don’t want to be responsible right now. I want to retreat, to withdraw. I’m tapping into something deeper this week and realizing it’s more than that. I want to be taken care of. I want someone else to make the hard decisions, to be a leader, a hero. I want to be like a child feeling joyous and free because someone else is taking care of business.

Taurus Full Moon - November 14, 2016

Tonight, November 14, 2016, the moon is full and closer than it's been in decades. Sitting in grounded, body-conscious, bull-headed Taurus, who is ruled by passion-driven Venus, the energy of the day is all about the passionate embodiment of a new life. When it comes to matters of abundance, this full moon prompts us to “break-up with poverty” and embrace our abundant nature in more ways than one.


They may be movies for kids, but animated movies can be a powerful teacher if you watch them with an open mind and heart…

Take a Chance: Create Experiences

Do it now! Go against the grain, take an adventure, thwart off the oh-so-average, menial life you have been living. I once read a story about a rocking chair -- yes, a rocking chair. It started out by painting a picture. An image of a grandparent seated in an old, wooden rocking chair on an outdoor patio overlooking a great expanse of open land. Sun shining, starry-eyed grandchildren gathered around waiting for yet another wild venture saga.

Embracing the Unknown

Life is continuously unfolding before us. Many of us try very hard to direct the course of life’s trajectory, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, no matter how much we try to control, direct and predict where life will take us we can never fully know the future. In fact, the only thing we can count on is that life will definitely present us with unexpected twists and turns; why not learn to embrace the unexpected changes and find comfort in the unknowable future?