
Why Nuts & Seeds Are Essential To A Healthy Diet

From peanuts to cashews, the bar to the baseball stadium, nuts are just delicious! But sadly, nuts have gotten kind of a bad rap. Many people avoid eating too many nuts, believing them high in calories and fats.

But while nuts may contain fats, they're the good kind that your body needs. And nuts offer so much more for your overall health—you really should be including more of them in your diet. Ever wonder why a walnut looks just like your brain? Read on! 

Superfood 101: Tamarind!

Tamarind is a member of the family Fabaceae ⁄ Leguminosae or Pea family of the genus Tamarindus L., commonly known as tamarind, containing the species Tamarindus indica L. or tamarind. The tree is native to Africa and was introduced to southern Asia in 2000 B.C.E. and arrived in the Americas in the 16th century.

Superfood 101: Jalapeno Peppers!

Jalapeno peppers are a member of the family Solanaceae commonly known as the Potato family of the genus Capsicum L. or pepper P. The plant is native to Mexico and was used by the Aztecs for centuries. It is the most common of the chilies grown in Mexico and because of the thick skin cannot be dried like other chilies.

6 Natural Remedies For Menopause Symptoms

Say the word “menopause” and you might create extreme fear. Night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, and even depression are all symptoms of this very common, and generally inevitable, issue. Menopause affects most women over the age of 50, and is more clearly defined once a woman has stopped menstruating for at least one year. Along with the loss of menstruation comes a decline of hormones—specifically, estrogen and progesterone, as Dr.

Move Easier: 5 Supplements For Joint & Muscle Health

In the wellness community, we often expound the benefits of moving and exercising more, and with good reason. Exercise is a crucial part of achieving wellness and health, and it aids in longevity. However, it is also true that many people experience difficulty or discomfort when they move.

Legumes, Grains, Nuts & Seeds: How To Sprout Them All

Stroll through any health food store and you’re guaranteed to see more than just sprouted broccoli.

Superfood 101: Breadfruit!

Breadfruit is in the family Moraceae, commonly known as the Mulberry family, in two genuses, Artocarpus J.R. Forst & G. Forst, which contains the species Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg and the genus Treculia Decne. ex Trec. or treculia P with the species Treculia africana Decne. ex Trec. also known as the African breadfruit P.

Here’s How To Make Your Own Rose Water—& Use It

“What’s in a name,” Shakespeare said. And call a rose whatever you want, it will still smell as sweet and be as healthy. So here’s to making your own rose water, and using it for beauty and health…

Superfood 101: The Health Benefits Of Boysenberries

You might be surprised to learn that boysenberries are so closely related to blackberries that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has no separate listing for them. However, boysenberries are classified in the genus Rubus of the species R. ursinus x idaeus. The plant was originally bred by Rudolph Boysen, a California horticulturist, in 1923, but he ceased his experimentation when he sold his farm. Later that decade George M.

Eat Fresh In April: Bok Choy, Avocados, Arugula & Turnips

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo