
Using Code Words For Better Communication With Your Partner

Do you have the same fight with your spouse over the same topic over and over? You might be fighting about the fact that he always tells a solution when you just want to complain and vent. Or she counters every fight with that one time that she took care of you while you were sick. Maybe it is something as simple as an annoying tick that your partner has and it irritates you to the point of an argument.


Signs You’re In A Recurring Argument

How do you know if you’re in a recurring argument? Signs that you are in a recurring argument:


The Down & Dirty Truths About Soulmates

Soulmates. Individuals destined to be together, forever. Twin flames.

Whatever you call it, the idea of soulmates brings to mind a powerful and perfect union where love flows freely and the feeling of true union is ever-present.

Triggering Your Triggers: Learning From Things That Annoy You

This world is full of things that trigger us: those things that get under our skin, those moments where we lose all the cool we have been cultivating and fly off the handle, those unspoken rules of etiquette that we know and are shocked that others do not abide by. Each one of us has our own unique set of triggers and the people who match them. We may try to ignore them, we may want to avoid them, but we cannot escape what we avoid.

You're Worth More Than Your Relationship Status

I found out recently in China if a woman is unmarried by age 27, she’s called “sheng nu,” or “leftover woman.” And if you’re 30 and unmarried? Forget it. Life’s over. That’s literally what these women are told. The whole thing makes my blood boil.

5 Ways To Make Yourself Heard In Your Relationships

In the heat of an argument or confrontation do you stand up for yourself and make your voice heard or do you feel like you are on the defensive, the victim, and fail to assert yourself, fully communicating the message you want to convey?