Positive Thinking

Transitions: No Versus Not Yet

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

—Steve Jobs


Top 5 Destinations For Yoga Lovers

While practicing yoga and meditation in a class or in the privacy of your own home brings about amazing health and spiritual benefits, it is every yogi’s dream to embark on the transcendental journey that only yoga retreats can provide.

Fixed Mindset Versus Growth Mindset: The Key To Success

Mindset. It’s become somewhat of a buzzword. We say things like, “I wasn’t in the right mindset to do X,” or “I want to change my mindset,” but what do we really mean when we use the term? Based on the way we speak about mindset, apparently one’s mindset has a significant effect on outcomes in life. Precisely. Mindset is powerful.

10 Ways Work Makes You Happy & Healthy

Whether it’s a 9-to-5 desk job or a home office, we all find reasons to trash what we do. But research now points to the fact that work makes you happy and being aimless can actually make our brains dull and us depressed! So why exactly is working good for us? Because it keeps our brains, bodies, and bank balances happy and active. As humans, we need to be in a state of busyness, or even business! Work gives us an opportunity to shine, to earn (be it money or goodwill) and to be happy with our achievements.

7 Easy Ways to Get a Quick Self-Confidence Boost

Cultivating a sense of self-worth can help you overcome daily stressors and feel less anxious about life’s ups and downs. There are key factors in improving your self-worth, such as keeping a positive outlook, no matter what. Retaining self-confidence is also key in successfully managing your life and your relationships. So, how can you build, or remind yourself of, this inherent self-worth? Here are a few methods to start you off on the path to seeing your own self-worth:

Why Your Weight Doesn’t Matter

I spent years working in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and later also as a nutritional coach. Over time two things became very clear.  The first was that most people were coming to me for weight loss (even if they claimed other reasons) and the second was that their results had very little to do with me.

11 Easy Ways to Relax

Relaxation: something so necessary for living a happy life, yet can so easily elude us on a daily basis. We have grown accustomed to hectic schedules, frenetic multitasking, and feeling guilty when we have a free moment. However, like vehicles, we have to stop and refuel, or we won’t be able to get moving. Here are some easy ways to relax in a world that doesn’t want you to: