
What You Should Eat This Fall: Mushrooms

Why Ayurveda?

Being healthy is an incomparable life experience, and the way we eat plays a huge role.  We all want great health, but for many people, it seems complicated.  Our busy lives, the number of diets, and conflicting messages about what we should eat can be overwhelming.  Ayurveda offers us a holistic, intuitive, easy approach to eating.  Since it’s been in use for at least 5,000 years, we can rest assured that it’s safe and effective.   

The Magic Of Mushroom Coffee

If you’re looking for a point-of-view that scares you into dropping your coffee habit ­­­­­by trash-talking coffee as unreservedly as coffee snobs trash-talk Starbucks, you won’t find it here. Sure, there are better things to put in your body than caffeine, and sure, your body will function far more effectively if you keep caffeine out of the everyday mix, but if you’re reading this, you’re likely already aware of the benefits of avoiding caffeine. If not, hang tight—we’ll get to that.