
5 Lovely Uses For Lavender: Elixirs, Skin Scrubs & More

There’s little better than fresh lavender, whether as an essential oil, an herb for cooking, in a fresh bouquet, or, my personal favorite, growing abundantly on a local farm.

5 Herbs That Will Chill You Out

Taking deep breaths and putting your head between your knees doesn't always work for those wonderful, anxious moments. Stress-related ailments are more common than ever in our fast paced technology driven society. But, the good news is, there are lots of ways to get your chill on – and most methods are pretty cheap and easy to implement into a daily routine. These 5 herbs will calm your parasympathetic nervous system (or “fight or flight response”) and help you chill right out.

7 Incredible Healing Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil

The word ‘lavender’ comes from the Latin verb lavare, which means to wash. Aptly named, lavender is the perfect herb to wash away your worries and many other ailments!

Lavender, like many other herbal remedies, can be just as (if not more) effective on symptoms as their pharmaceutical counterparts. Herbal remedies are also usually free from the side effects associated with pharmaceuticals.