food storage

Fight Food Waste With Better Food Storage

Ever store food only to have it spoil a few days later? There might be a reason for that: Improper storage can definitely lead to faster food spoilage. This really sucks considering it's a waste of money. Not to mention food waste is very bad for the environment. If you'd like to prevent food from rotting or molding before you can get your hands on it, here are some important storage tips to remember. 


"Expiration" Dates Decoded

Snack time! You open the fridge and grab a tub of yogurt. Oh dear, you see that the “Best by” date was three days ago. Shucks! What do you do?

       A. Toss it, obviously. Gross.

       B. Who cares – get in my belly!

       C. Look and smell for oddities, then eat it if it doesn’t seem off.

       D. Close the fridge and grab an apple.

Correct answer: C.

Living Off The Grid: Food Storage

When I first journeyed off the grid I had to learn about keeping food the so-called “old-fashioned way.” Shopping is a little different when you trade in your refrigerator for a root cellar. However, root cellars are actually quite efficient. It's not that you have to change the way you eat, you simply have to change the way you shop. Root cellars are underground storage areas that stay at cool temperatures, even in the summer.