
Minimize Food Waste At Home With These 10 Tips

Did you know that 33 million tons of food enters landfills annually?

Nearly 40% of food produced in the United States is wasted annually.

150,000 tons of food is wasted daily in the U.S., which equates to about a pound per person.

12 Simple Steps to Cleaner Eating

Many New Year’s resolutions involve eating better. But with such a lofty goal, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, just a few simple changes make stepping in the right direction easy. This list, organized starting with the easiest steps to implement, makes cleaner eating accessible no matter what.

Get Rid of Pantry Pests with This Simple Trick

We’d all love to imagine that pantry pests don’t exist. Spotless grocery stores and clean, sterile kitchens in advertisements make it easy to pretend for a while. But at home, no matter how hard we try, things creep in that we’d rather not have there—especially when we’re storing natural foods that aren’t heavily processed and packaged.

Fat’s Not the Enemy: It's Sugar

By the time I was old enough to care about diets, the “low-fat” concept was beyond just a fad. It was universally accepted that fat was the culprit of weight and health issues, and low- and no-fat options were ubiquitous in the grocery store.

Food as Medicine: Deflating The Source Of Disease 

Countless life-altering diagnoses root from the same underlying cause, that being inflammation. Causing problems from arthritis to cancer, inflammation wreaks havoc on the body and its organs. One way to explore cures for these issues can be by acknowledging the same source of most all modern health issues: your food.

Processed foods along with those containing high trans fats can cause a serious inflammatory type reaction in the body. Alcohol, caffeine, and sugars are huge culprits for the issue and their intake should be minimal or avoided entirely.

How To Keep A Food Journal For Dietary Insights

There are plenty of good reasons to keep track of what we eat. Recording our daily intake even for just one week can provide benefits, whether we’re counting calories, engaging in athletic training, dealing with gastrointestinal issues, feeling off balance or simply curious.

How Food Labels Fall Short on Information

Food labels and packaging serve more than one purpose: shoppers read labels primarily to decipher nutrition information and ingredients lists while manufacturers use words on packaging like “healthy” and “natural” as advertising tools to sell products. But such claims are not clearly defined.