How To Transform Through Your Heart

The Information Portal

Our heart center is a grandiose information portal. Through this connection, we have access to our consciousness and perception, unfiltered by the mind and all its ideologies.

At first it is rather difficult to even perceive the pure perception of consciousness about our subtle feelings, and then to understand them. Furthermore, it requires some practice to translate this to our understanding for practical application.

The effort is worth it -- because the details are limited not only by our filters (i.e., we accept something as true, regardless of the desired outcome of the situation), but are also bound by space and time. We can test any information, provided we have intellectually honest intentions that are in line with the benefit of all.

Everyone has access to their heart center, to this bridge into their pure consciousness. We must free ourselves from the only misconceptions that our minds, our intellects could really perceive of the world… and be open to trying out other channels.

My decision was immediately clear when I heard it for the first time - the road was not always easy, but definitely exciting and the trouble was worth a thousandfold the value.