The Women's Transformational Retreat Sept. 20-24, 2019

The Women's Transformational Retreat  Sept. 20-24rd, 2019 Join us in this sacred gathering of women to elevate the radiant goddess within. Nourish your divine soul with the gift of self love and joy.  We invite you to cherish yourself and bath in your true essence.  At this magnificent retreat, you will gain tools to navigate your daily life with ease, grace, and courage; while creating abundance upon your path. You will learn to trust your inner guidance; listening to your own feminine and masculine wisdom by tapping deeper into your radiant essence.  You will embrace yourself in ways you never thought imaginable. By saying YES you are rising into communion with women that like you desire a life of beauty, authenticity, and abundance. What's included: +  2 one-on-one private sessions with Julie before the gathering to prepare you for a deeper level of transformation + 4 nights in a beautiful property overlooking the San Juan mountains. + Catered, organic cuisine will be prepared from a beautiful on-site garden and will be served for most of our meals + Yoga & Breath, these powerful practices of transformation include ancient yogic techniques, as well as current evolutionary practices to create a clear path for the individual.  You will cultivate energy and stillness at the same time experiencing tools to practice at home. + Shamanic Cacoa ritual will be guided by a leader in her field.  This session is a powerful and unique blend of energetic and physical body deepened by the ancient tools of heart medicine. +Opening to the Light meditation. +Horseback Riding and introduction to EGE (Equine Guided Education) +Massage and energetic support for integration of the tools we learn during the retreat…Individual sessions can include reflexology, aromas sage, acupressure, acupuncture, energetic cord cutting, tuning forks and deep release work through vibratory sounding. + DNA Activation, activating the youth and vitality chromosome of self-realization. + Work with essential oils that have been hand-picked by Julie to support you to continually be graced with the sweet, potent nature of all that is. Results: + Release subconscious beliefs that are holding you back from true alignment with your highest self. + Detoxify physically and mentally through conscious eating and communication. +  Transform judgment into compassion and scarcity into abundance. + Attract healthy relationships by tapping into your divine essence. +  Nurture your soul through creative expression in a safe and sacred environment. +  Sisterhood with like-minded women. You can learn more about these events at  Please fill out the interview form below and someone from Julie's team will reach out to you soon. Have a Blessed day! Julie McAfee  

Telluride, CO 81435
United States

Date of Event