Want to learn how to get more plants in your garden this spring without starting seeds or buying transplants? This is the class for you!
This class will provide an introduction to the basic techniques of vegetative propagation including stem/leaf cuttings, root cuttings, layering, and root division. Vegetative propagation is the method of reproducing plants from existing plants. The structure of the class will include both lecture and hands-on experience. Not only will you walk away with confidence and new skills, you’ll take some plants home with you too!!
Our Instructor:
Michele Ranieri is currently Assistant General Manager at Hedgerow Farms, a 400 acre native California grass and flower seed operation. Her expertise is in managing a greenhouse operation, medicinal and culinary herb gardening, vegetable gardening, and permaculture design.
The Yisrael Family Urban Farm
4505 Roosevelt Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95820
United States

Date of Event