Wildlight Yoga will partner with Quil Studio to offer a yoga and acupuncture event for the mind and body. Kelli will lead participants in a 45-minute gentle yoga class to engage the breath, relax the body, and quiet the mind. Hillary will then administer an ear acupuncture treatment that promotes healing for the entire body. During acupuncture, participants will be offered a 45 minute meditation.
No experience necessary. Mats + props provided by Wildlight Yoga. Acupuncture supplies and administration provided by Quil Studio. Participants will be required to sign waivers prior to class and treatment.
Admission is $40 per person. Pre-registration required. Members receive 10% off. No refunds or credits.
About us:
Kelli Wefenstette is a rural-rooted, urban-planted community organizer who engages neighborhood revitalization through the cultivation and promotion of arts, placemaking, urban agriculture, and economic development. She earned a BA in Psychology from Monmouth College and a MA in Social Justice and Community Development from Loyola University. She is a registered Hatha yoga teacher and owns Wildlight Yoga in Portage Park.
Hillary Catrow is a licensed acupuncturist who focuses on using tiny needles as a tool to reduce the impact of trauma on the body, mind and lives of survivors. She advocates for the use of trauma-informed, affordable and accessible treatments as a method of social justice and community building. Catrow is the owner of an acupuncture clinic, called Quil Studio on Chicago’s north side and works closely with nonprofits and corporations to develop acupuncture and self-care programing for their clients and employees.
Wildlight Yoga
4140 North Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago, IL 60641
United States

Date of Event