Did you know that our stomach is responsible for 80% of our immune system? Keeping your digestive system healthy is vital for our wellbeing.
Ayurveda provides expert help in improving digestive health because, from it's perspective, health is dependent upon good digestion and elimination. In this workshop, you'll learn some basic tenets of Ayurvedic Medicine, how Ayurveda approaches the treatment of digestive disorders and some basic tips for good digestion.
Ayurvedic Medicine is the traditional health science from India which takes a comprehensive approach to health in mind, body, and spirit. It is an effective way to address health concerns and works from a systemic, not symptomatic, approach. In Ayurvedic medicine, the causes of health problems are addressed, not just the symptoms.
This is a talk with Q&A - come to learn and ask questions on how Ayurveda can help you heal and restore your immunity.
Event Leader: Kathy Gehlken is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Massage Practitioner and Wellness Coach and studied Ayurvedic Medicine at Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda and completed the Master’s Degree Program there.
'I went on to study Classical Ayurvedic Medicine with Dr. Yashashree Mannur at Shubham Classical Ayurveda Academy in the tradition of Vaidya M.V. Kolhatkar. All told, I have completed over 6000 hours of Ayurvedic training and have years of experience providing Ayurvedic healthcare.
My mission is to reconnect you with your inherent power to heal through classical Ayurvedic Medicine. Classical Ayurvedic Medicine looks to the original understanding of the doctors in ancient India–which is contained in medical texts dating back thousands of years–and uses tried and true principals to help people regain swastha–health in body, mind and spirit.'
More about Kathy, and about her private practice is here https://ayurvedic.healthcare/kathys-mission/
$30 early birds, $40 2 days before
Glow Yoga & Wellness
1548 Stockton Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
United States

Date of Event