Join Ayurvedic Practitioner Danica & Ayurvedic Nutrition Practitioner Caylynn as they teach about the benefits of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda & Yoga have been taught in tradition dating as far back as 3500 bc.
Ayurveda is the holistic healing system of India & Yoga being the sister science are the perfect balance to the mind and body.
As we begin to approach the cooler season, we transition from Vata to Kapha dosha.
We move from the dry, rough, windy qualities into the cold, slowing down, hibernating qualities~
Learn about the seasonal qualities of winter-
The foods, herbs and spices that help bring warmth and grounding energy to the body and mind during the colder winter days.
You will participate in a yoga practice for Kapha dosha,
Caylynn, a trained Ayurvedic chef, will guide you through the creation of cooking a simple at-home Ayurvedic meal (Indian Lentil Soup)
We will discuss the qualities of the seasonal dosha Kapha & how this effects the body and a nice daily routine to help balance the doshas. You will take away information that you can use year after year
Yoga Yoga
24421 Walnut Street
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
United States

Date of Event