"In this food I see clearly the presence of the entire universe
supporting my existence" - Thich Naht Hanh
This class is about healing our deepest relationship.
Let's fall in love with food again.
On Fall
Fall is a precious time. According to Ayurveda, we transition from Summer Fire (Pita) into Autumn Wind (Vata). Life is cool, dry, and colorful.
While exciting, Fall can also be jarring. Can you feel it?
Our body's, attuned to the Summer sun, are suddenly cold. More constricted. More confused. We may experience this as weak digestion, brain fog, and even emotional distress. Across all body systems, (and especially the nervous system), it's a really big deal.
Ayurveda calls this seasonal window ". It's actually an incredible opportunity for health. The anxiety we're feeling is the body calling for tremendous self-care. And most deeply through food, Following simple though specific steps, we heal old anxiety, nourish new cells, and (viscerally) let go of everything we don't need.
Ayurveda reminds us that our first and greatest medicine is food. Food is prana (energy) will balm, calm, and heal every system of the body. And our greatest altar our kitchen. This class remembers the kitchen as our refuge, pharmacy, and magic lab where we create, celebrate, and dig in.
Spices & Spells is about making our dinners as colorful as our Autumn trees, and fully letting go into Life.
Our seasonal class will enjoy vibrant, rich, and dynamic foods that explore Fall's opportunity for grounding, nourishment, and high-octave yum. It will be more embodied and adventurous than ever.
Totally vegan, gluten free, and tridoshic (appropriate for all doshas). There is the choice of grassfed ghee on the side, and that choice is "Yes".
Spiced Fruit. Dandelion Chai. Golden Milk. Peppermint Chutney. Bulletproof "Cacao" Coffee, & certainly Kichari - the World's Most Healing Meal.
Our last three classes have totally sold out, so if you feel called do reserve your spot. Tickets below.
* Bonus * ~ reserve your ticket before September 15th and receive a free FALL CURRY blend.
"When food is wrong, medicine is of no use.
When food is right, medicine is of no need" - ancient Ayurvedic proverb.
Let's get it right.
For as the food, so the Life.
When we talk about Ayurveda (AI-URH-VAY-DAH), the ancient Indian Art of cooking, healing, and living, we're really asking ONE question:
How good could Life be?
(Hint: So good)
In its essence, Ayurveda is the science of ecstatic-wellbeing.
And over thousands of years of clinical investigation, Ayurveda developed a truly MASTERFUL system of food, medicine, and food-as-medicine.
To Ayurveda, health isn't about diet, depletion, or "what you can't eat". Health is about abundant good, ecstatic decadence, "what we CAN eat".
With the Ayurvedic method, Food ain't the problem. Food is the solution.
And in my experience with health, healing, and hundeds of clients I see again and again one simple truth:
*There is no better indicator of one's quality of Life than one's ENJOYMENT of food*
So this is a class in foundational nourishment. In relationship! On Earth, food is perhaps our DEEPEST relationship. And how do we relate? Are we intimate, or impotent?
In addition to health, emotional stability, and yes even spiritual awakening, (yogis and shamans make the finest chefs), food teaches us that Life is GOOD. Life is here to help. Life is Love. And hey, we are Life.
We will find the cooking path unfolds a truly transformational journey. Healing of self and other, family and friend.
We begin to truly live again, and to awaken out of the trance of mediocrity. We remember that GOOD FOOD is our human birthright. It becomes easy, natural, and fun to give ourselves HIGH OCTAVE NOURISHMENT each and every day. We are suddenly enthralled to wake early, just to make some fabulous flapjacks.
Now if that's not self love, I don't know what is.
It's Fall 2018. This is the time to love. Ayurveda says start within, first thing in the morning, in the kitchen. Remembering this, I feel immense purpose. Self-love is the real revolution. Self-love is practical. Self-love is radical. Self-love is Ayurveda, and the essence of Spices and Spells.
Spices and Spells Is a playful, interactive, step-by-step cooking class, demo, and dinner that's designed to leave you totally PROFICIENT in the thousand year old art of Ayurvedic cooking.
Each class evolves from the last to bring you the most educational, engaging, and transformative class possible.
We will work with the World's Most Healing (and Delicious) Meal, whose principles you can apply to any dish (even spahghetti!). There will be many treats, tricks, spices and yes, spells.
In order to spellbind your friends, familiy, and lovers, we might explore:
- Fall! (Cooking, cleansing, and vibrant living)
- Spicology and the Yoga of Herbs
- Where Ancient Ayurvedic Wisdom Meets Modern Nutritional & Naturopathic Science
- Dancing the Doshas
- Ancient Indian Stories, Myths, and Lore
- Food Soaking, Sprouting, and Conscious Preparation
- Food Combining Made Easy
- Secrets of the 6 Tastes
- Medicinal Mantras (Spells)
- Decadent Sides & Toppings
(Chutneys, Toasted CocoFlakes, Pumpkin-Spiced Fruit, and more)
- Herbal Elixers and Fall-Detox Tonics
- Cooking Intuitively: from the HEART, not the head.
- Shopping PDX: Local, Seasonal, Organic
- Any of your Cooking, Cleansing, or Health Questions
- A free copy of "Keys to Kichari!" -- Golden Ayurveda's unique GUIDE to the world's most healing meal, including additional recipes and "where to shop for what" in Portland. Covers class material, so no need to take notes (just enjoy!)
+ FREE sides of Golden-GHEE made from grassfed, ethically-loved OREGON cows.
Once we know what we're doing, food becomes the most powerful medicine. And when we think of our co-pays, supplements, and therapies, food really is an easy investment.
So whether for health, heart, or just the pleasure of it, come hungry! Dinner's on me.
Ideal for families, couples, healers, yogis and the curious of all kinds.
WHEN: Sunday, September 30th
WHERE: Sunnyside Community House (SE 35th and Yamhill)
Health/Love investment: $33-66
Class size is limited and WILL FILL! Almost every single class totally sells out. If you're feeling it, secure your spot now. We'd love to have you. Non-refundable tickets here:
HOST BIO: Blake Roberts is an Ayurvedic professional, a health entrepenuer, and sacred foodie. At 21, Ayurvedic cooking saved his life. Since then, he has studied with some of the world's most highly regarded Ayurvedic physicians and radically helped many self-healing path. In his hometown of Portland, OR Blake hosts Ayurvedic banquets, offers health consultations, caters events, and brews artisan Golden Ghee.
PRAISE for Blake & Golden Ayurveda:
"Everyday since [our time] has been filled with spiritual joy. I feel tender, absolutely magical, like I'm swimming in heavenly bliss. This work [with food] brought me to this place of self-compassion and wisdom, and showed how to look within myself. For how to listen to my body. This work is a true gift from God"
-V.G., Portland
"In my 5 years of Emphysema, I've worked with dozens of doctors. Blake is the first professional to have helped me, and through food of all ways. A truly compassionate, integrated, strong soul... I am so grateful"
- Perry C., Taos, NM
"I came to see Blake feeling pretty desperate with a difficult digestive issues diagnosis I was trying to wrap my mind around. It's fair to say that my few hours with him changed my life!!! He was so knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and patient with me [ . . . ] since our time together, I've discovered how cooking for myself can be such a joy, rather than an obligation. He truly taught me what it meant to nourish myself, as I felt it every step of the way during my time with him. An amazing, inspiring person and instructor, I can't recommend a session with him highly enough!"
-S.P., Portland
"Ayurveda, an ocean of magnificent intellectual treasure, unparalleled by any complementary and alternative medicine, is one man’s privilege should he get the opportunity to study and work in it. And the opportunities for anyone to progress using the science is truly limitless when one finds the right suitable conditions to do so."
BY: Upadhyaya Wasuki
Sunnyside Community House
3520 Southeast Yamhill Street
Portland, OR 97214
United States

Date of Event