Rachel Tuck

Rachel Tuck


RYT 500

(Operations Director Vira Bhava Yoga - 
Former Co-Owner of Golden Mandala)

Rachel teaches yoga as an extension of her heart. Her classes are welcoming, playful, comfortable, and friendly. While Rachel enjoys a strong physically challenging practice, she believes that a yoga class should first be energetically soothing, well sequenced, and honoring of those who attend. " My intention in teaching is to create a class that gets folks our of their busy minds and into a space where they can process their day, ring it all out, and have some time to listen and hear whats going on behind the scenes." Her favorite quote is by Howard Thurman: "Do not ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.  

Articles by Rachel Tuck