Weight Loss

Move It! 8 Ways To Sneak In Exercise All Day Long

Who isn’t busy these days?  Between working, making healthy meals, spending quality time with loved ones, keeping the house clean, and squeezing in a little

Superfood 101: Tapereba (Hog Plum)!

Tapereba is a member of the family Anacardiaceae or Sumac family of the genus Spondias L. or mombin, containing the species Spondias mombin L. or yellow mombin. The tree is native to tropical America and grows throughout the tropical regions of the world. It is a tropical plant that does well in warm climates and does not tolerate frost. It is also known by the nomenclatures Yellow Mombin and Spondias mombin.

Superfood 101: Jaboticaba!

Jaboticaba is a member of the family yrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Myrciaria Berg, also known as guava berry, containing the species Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg or jaboticaba. The plant is native to Brazil and is also known as the Brazilian grape tree. For millennia the native peoples used jaboticaba as a snack and for making wine. Its nutritional value has made this fruit a valuable tool in their healing arsenal.

Superfood 101: Carambola (Star Fruit)!

Carambola is a member of the family Oxalidaceae or Wood-Sorrel family of the genus Averrhoa Adans, also known as averrhoa P, containing the species Averrhoa carambola L. or carambola P. The plant is known in the United States as star fruit. The nomenclature carambola was a Portuguese interpretation of the Sanskrit word for the fruit “karmaranga” which means “food appetizer.”

Superfood 101: Green Beans!

Green beans are a member of the family Fabaceae ⁄ Leguminosae, commonly known as the Pea family of the genus Phaseolus L. or bean, containing the species as identified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as Phaseolus vulgaris L. or kidney bean. The plant is native to the Americas and was documented in Mexico, parts of Central America, and regions of South America.

Superfood 101: Loquat!

Loquat is a member of the family Rosaceae, commonly known as the Rose family of the genus Eriobotrya Lindl. or loquat P of the species Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. or loquat P. The plant is native to southeast China. It was possibly introduced in Japan where it has been cultivated for more than 1,000 years.

Superfood 101: Jalapeno Peppers!

Jalapeno peppers are a member of the family Solanaceae commonly known as the Potato family of the genus Capsicum L. or pepper P. The plant is native to Mexico and was used by the Aztecs for centuries. It is the most common of the chilies grown in Mexico and because of the thick skin cannot be dried like other chilies.

Superfood 101: Eggplant!

Eggplant is a member of the family Solanaceae, commonly known as the Potato family of the genus Solanum L. or nightshade P, in the species Solanum melongena L. called eggplant P. The plant is believed to be native to India and there is Chinese documentation dating back to the 5th century recording agricultural technics in cultivating it.

Superfood 101: Grape Tomato!

Grape tomatoes are a member of the family Solanaceae, also known as the Potato family, one of the many species of the genus Solanum L. or Nightshade P.  The plant was developed in Taiwan and was cultivated in North America in 1996 in Manatee County, Florida. By the turn of the 21st century the grape tomato was outselling the cherry tomato ten-to-one where they were available.

How To Start Exercising—No Matter Your Fitness

As humans, we need movement: exercise keeps our cardiovascular system healthy, keeps our bones strong, improves our blood circulation, and can even lower our risk for certain diseases.