aloe vera

Natural Sunburn Relief: 4 DIY Skin Soothers Featuring Aloe Vera

When the weather gets hot and the sun's rays get intense, it might just leave you with a sunburn. While you should definitely be applying sunscreen while out and about, sometimes sunburns are unavoidable. Here are four DIY skin soothers for sunburns you can make yourself. 


Natural Remedies For Your Dog’s Allergies

Springtime is lovely, with all its beautiful blooms everywhere.  But if you suffer from allergies, those blooms can be a double-edged sword as they invoke itchy eyes, puffy skin, stuffy (or runny!) noses, and more.  Unfortunately, your dog can experience the same symptoms of allergies—and worse, they can’t tell you how bad they feel.  That’s why, as a responsible pet owner, you need to pay close attention to your

5 Indoor Plants For A Healthy Home & Clean Air

Our first and most essential biological need as humans is air. Without water we would survive three days, without food we would survive three weeks. But without air we would only survive for three minutes.

4 Holistic Treatments For Pets: Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Massage & Herbs

Has Fido tried acupuncture to cure his pesky arthritis? Has hydrotherapy helped Bailey’s hip dysplasia?

5 Foods That Fight Sun Damage

Nourishing your skin from the inside out makes sense, but few of us use this in practice. It’s easy to slap on drugstore sunscreen and spend hours outside but there are unseen, and often unacknowledged, dangers in conventional sunscreen. Protecting yourself from ultraviolet radiation is important in avoiding sunburns, sunspots, wrinkles, and dry, peeling skin, but some unprotected sunshine is also needed for optimal absorption of vitamin D.

10 Organic, One-Ingredient Face Cleansers

To put your game face on, stop with the off-the-shelf face wash and try these one-ingredient all natural and organic cleansers instead…

Turn Your Beauty Bag Natural In 2018: 3 Homemade & Harm-Free Sunscreens

With so many options available in the market, why are we asking you to whip up your own sunscreens? To keep those dicey, harmful chemicals away from your skin—and the environment!

DIY Spa Night: Pamper Yourself Naturally At Home

Need one night to unwind? Try hosting your own DIY spa night: You can invite a bunch of your friends over, or just keep it a solo party. Either way, you're bound to have fun and get pampered!

Chocolate Avocado Facial Mask

This mask is great for all skin types, especially dry, maturing, and sun damaged skin. This mask is completely edible and tastes like chocolate pudding – so no worries if some gets in your mouth!


10 DIY Face Masks With One Ingredient Each

Many stay away from anything homemade and organic when it comes to beauty, usually because of the exhaustive list of ingredients and the many steps involved in making them. So why don’t we take the pain out of beauty from the gardens, and leave you with just the joys of good skin and pure ingredients? Here are 10 very easy face masks with just one (or two, we promise!) ingredients that help you achieve your skin goals the organic way.

5 Natural Facial Scrubs For A Fresh Face

Have you ever tried using a facial scrub? If not, you should: It's a really powerful exfoliator. Your skin loses skin cells every day and sometimes it needs a little help getting them off your face. By using a gentle (all natural) facial scrub, you'll help your skin shed any dead layers that don't want to come off. This is important if you want to make way for new, rejuvenated skin!