5 Healing Herbs For Digestive Bitter Tonics

Bitters are plants that work by activating the bitter receptors on the tongue (and elsewhere in the body). Bitter receptors, in turn, trigger the production of digestive juices and enzymes so that by the time your food hits your stomach, the digestive system is revved up and ready to go.

Superfood 101: Pineapple!

Pineapple is a member of the family Bromeliaceae or Bromeliad family of the genus Ananas Mill, also known as pineapple P, containing the species Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. or pineapple P.  The plant is native to Brazil where it is known as ananas, the Brazilian Tupi Indian word meaning "excellent fruit"—this term is used throughout the world.

Discover How Foods Affect Your Mood With An Elimination Diet

When I started herb school, one of the teachers mentioned having a meltdown the day after eating a pint of ice cream.  She knew it would happen, from experience, but really wanted the ice cream. I remember thinking “Really?  Distraught on the bathroom floor just from eating ice cream?”  Then the class did an elimination-provocation diet, and wow!

Here’s How To Make Your Own Rose Water—& Use It

“What’s in a name,” Shakespeare said. And call a rose whatever you want, it will still smell as sweet and be as healthy. So here’s to making your own rose water, and using it for beauty and health…

Healing Food Sensitivities: Taking The Test

I recently decided to have a food sensitivities test done in order to identify any specific foods that might be triggering responses in me.  I worked with an FDN-P nutritionist to order the test and then discuss the results.  This article is the first in a series that discusses that process.

Easy, Chocolaty, Gluten-Free Brownies Recipe

Sometimes we’re content eating greens and chickpeas; other times we want something a little more indulgent. This easy gluten-free brownie recipe is for those other times. It’s rich and chocolaty, but doesn’t carry the baggage associated with processed sugar and refined flour.

A Raw, Creamy Vegan Nacho Cheese Recipe Everyone Will Love

If you want to make a crowd happy with food, then start with this vegan queso recipe. Its creamy deliciousness will please vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike. While there are many vegan foods that don’t stand up to their non-vegan counterparts in terms of flavor, I can tell you with confidence that this one is better than the original. So, on to all the reasons to love this vegan cheese recipe, how to make it, and some other important things you should know about ingredients.

Ask A Practitioner: Should I Avoid Nightshades?

Join Basmati.com every week for a Q&A session with one of Basmati’s practitioners, Melissa Hill (FDN-P)! We know that there is a lot of confusing information out there, which can make applying health advice overwhelming.  Sometimes, it’s best to ask a practitioner directly, so each week we’ll cover a common health question!