plant based

All You Need To Know About Tofu

Tofu.  The very word instills disgust in the mouths of many omnivores, and even in some who abstain from meat products.  And with good reason!  Since the 1960s, the idea of “tofu” has been used in U.S. media to conjure up images of gross, weird, vegetarian and vegan food – in the collective psyche, it’s almost a four-letter word, one that’s practically synonymous with vegetarianism itself.

March's Bounty: 5 Must Have Seasonal Produce Items

March is finally here, which means it’s time to reintroduce spring! Yay! Feel free to thaw out because warmer weather is headed our way. I’m stoked that I’ll soon be able to enjoy many of my favorite produce items that I’ve gone months without. As winter winds down and we happily greet the sunshine we’ve been yearning to feel again, we can rejoice in this long awaited, special time of year by preparing meals featuring the best, freshest seasonal produce March has bestowed upon us.

Foods To Rev Up Your Metabolism

Whenever I notice naturally thin people eating greasy junk food non-stop, I can’t help but wonder if their presumably fast metabolisms are responsible. I’m sure I can’t be the only envious one who does this. Another thing that might have some women stricken with envy is the fact that men tend to have faster metabolisms than women. How great is that (for men)?

The Raw Food Diet: Everything You Need to Know


“You are what you eat!” As a health enthusiast who practices the natural ways of healing, I have to say that the statement holds a lot of truth. The raw food diet is regaining its popularity once again. That’s right, folks, this is another old-school way of healing recently being unearthed.

Are You Getting Enough Iron On A Plant-Based Diet?

I see many of my patients are living a healthy lifestyle and eating a plant-based diet.  It is especially important for me to make sure that these patients have enough of the essential mineral: iron.  I can determine if a patient is low in iron by looking at the size of their red blood cells, levels of iron circulating in the blood as well as the body’s storage of a form of iron called ferritin.

Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Are you looking for your next big adventure? If so, why not start with your dinner plate? Exploring a plant-based diet may not sound all too adventurous, but it certainly can be. Preparing mouthwatering plant-based meals is far from boring; as I’ve grown older, I’ve become more and more creative in the kitchen, solely with the help of plant-based flavors. More importantly, I’ve lived on a plant-based diet my entire life, and have witnessed the numerous health benefits firsthand.

7 Powerful Plant-Based Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are live microorganisms that serve as beneficial bacteria. They have been known to help enhance as well as protect your health. There are many different ways to eat probiotics, with yogurt being among the most popular of choices. But not everyone can, nor desires to eat yogurt all the time, and we could always use more plants in our diet! So, for those of you who want to know about a few plant-based foods that contain powerful probiotics, here are seven!

Traveler's Salad

While this salad is amazing any time - especially when avocados are in season - my favorite time to serve this salad is when guests first arrive. It's sort of become a tradition that houseguests receive this rejuvenating and flavorful salad after a long trip. This combination of flavors delights salad and fruit lovers, either served as a main course or side dish. It’s easy to prepare, highly nutritious and loaded with vitamins, minerals and plant-based proteins. (A non-vegetarian option adds savory meat).