
Spinach For Every Meal!

Popeye had it all figured out: spinach makes you strong and healthy, equipped to tackle the day. Readily available all year round, this accessible and affordable green leafy vegetable, a member of the amaranthaceae family, is a durable and nutritious addition to almost any meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as an afternoon snack. While spinach may not always top the charts as a superfood, it warrants a place at the table.

40? Do These 8 Things Now

At 40, many of us have a million things on our plate. Our kids are still young and demanding, our parents are still around and need some help, our jobs still take a big chunk out of us – and there are so many niggling issues our body keeps bringing to the table, including difficulty in losing weight.

The 40 Checklist

Five Ways to Improve Your Eye Health

Remember your parents warning you about your eyesight? “Don’t sit too close to the television,” or “Eat your carrots, they’ll improve your eyes.” Sure, some of those things are myths, but if you’re tired of bumping around or wearing glasses, it’s time to look at the facts. Here are five ways to improve your eyesight.

Yoga for the Eyes

My mother wore hard contact lenses for over 30 years. After working with Yoga for the Eyes for several months she began to see a marked improvement in her vision and after six month's time, she didn't need the contacts anymore. Now she only uses reading glasses on the occasion that she is staring at pages for extended periods of time. I was astonished to realize that Yoga for the Eyes was so powerful and so quick in its results.