
3 Detoxing Waters to Hit the Reset Button

When I stopped drinking coffee, I found myself missing a hot beverage in the morning. Craving the robust flavor, I would try drinking only a few sips, having not had any coffee in a week. This was a bad idea. The uneasy, edgy feeling would hit me harder than having 3 cups in a day when I was an avid coffee drinker. Soon, I realized coffee and I no longer agreed.

Herbal Healing: Uva Ursi

Using Uva Ursi for Magnificent Kidneys and the Release of Fear

The kidneys are often under-rated organs. They are the great detoxifiers of the body and help the body to release all that could not be used by the cells, which were then disposed of through the body's extensive lymph system. Every cell takes in nutrients from the bloodstream, which comprises around twenty percent of the area touching the cells, and then every cell releases unwanted wastes into the lymph – comprising 80% of the rest of the area around the cells.

10 Foods to Detoxify Your Body

If you’re anything like me, you probably go through phases from time to time. When I say “phases,” I mean periods of time where you crave greasy and/or sugary junk food, and cringe at the thought of eating something even remotely healthy. It’s okay; it means we’re human.

7 Reasons To Start Your Day With Warm Lemon Water

We all know we need to drink water to be healthy. In trying to reach the 8 glasses a day goal, you will often see people downing tall glasses of ice cold water. Now this might sound refreshing, especially in the summer. But, to truly hydrate your body, sipping warm water all throughout the day is the most effective way to hydrate yourself. This is well known in Ayurveda, which is an ancient healing system that translates to the science of life.