6 Health Benefits Of Golf

There are many fitness programs that help improve your golf, but does golfing improve your fitness?


Be it professional golfers to amateurs, golf has many of us hooked. The very first time you step onto the course and look at the gentle rise and fall of the slopes, golf insidiously invades your body, heart, and soul. And you can even match your dosha to see if golf is the correct fitness program for you!

There is a slew of fitness programs aimed at providing the avid golfer a chance to better their game. The question here for an amateur golfer is: does golfing provide any health benefits? According to experts, absolutely! From walking the course to interacting with peers, golf can up your health quotient by quite a bit. And it’s not just the physical exertion; golf is also great for mental acuity and motor coordination.


Mental Benefits Of Golf

  • Social outing: A nice game of golf out with friends followed by a relaxed bout of chatting gives you a high—thereby reducing stress and increasing your happiness quotient.
  • A walk among greens: Golf courses by nature are soothing and relaxing to the eye and mind—add some sunny weather and you can feel the stress of the workweek fading away.
  • The joy of competing: Be it competing with your best game or your friends, a good game fairly won (or lost) invigorates even the most stressed out of people. Winning gives you an adrenaline boost while losing betters your sportsman’s spirit.


Physical Benefits Of Golf

  • The right cardio: Walking the course during an average 18-hole game can burn off as many as 200 calories, justifying your luncheon beer thereafter—great for your fitness and health. Repeat this thrice a week, and your heart will thank you for increasing its longevity.
  • Carrying those clubs: Give the cart a miss and the caddie a break. Carrying your clubs yourself will add to the exercise and increase your strength and stamina, thereby making your fitness levels rise.
  • Low-risk sport: Since golf is played at a rather leisurely pace, the injury risks are far lower than other competitive sports, such as rugby or basketball. A series of warm-ups and gentle stretching before you start to swing will minimize the risk of any sprains, strains or tears.


Do you need any more reason to grab those clubs? If in doubt, know this: many a professional deal has been closed at a golf course. Since this is a highly popular community-driven sport, it’s easy to build up your professional network as well as social acceptance by just swinging away!


Beginner Tips For Golf

Sign-up for a golf class before you head out on the course to learn the basics of the game. The correct technique will also help you prevent any injuries that may be caused by excessively strong swinging, hitting the ground instead of the ball and falling...Also, remember to stay a good distance away from swinging golf clubs and ensure there’s no one in near proximity when it’s your turn to play. Always shout ‘fore’ to warn people around that you are about to swing. Also wait for the caddy to step back before you play. Golf is played under the sun so do protect yourself at all times to avoid exhaustion and heat stroke—sunglasses, hats, sunscreen and plenty of water will do the trick.



Do you have any fitness-related golfing stories? Do share with us in the comments sections below…