
Healing Stones: Red Coral As The Great Activator

There is a theme running through my latest writings of tapping into life-force, the Cosmic kundalini energy within our beings to a greater degree. As energies are amping up on the planet and the process of evolution is taking each one of us deeper into the core of the Self we are being asked to harness our life-force and make the most out of our time here. Red coral is a gem that is here to help out.

Intro To Hindu Deities: Rama & The Perfect Human

Rama is my new favorite Hindu deity to love. If you read up on Rama online you will see that he is depicted as the ultimate embodiment of truth, virtue, chivalry, honor—the “perfect human” so to speak.

Healing Stones: Red Garnet & Life Force Energy

Red as blood, red as molten lava, as the fires of life dancing in the embers. Dark as night, as the cave of wonders, as the unknown depths of a person’s soul before discovering the gifts awaiting them. Red garnet is a dark red stone whose vibration and color helps us to tune into the richness of our capacity to live by aligning us with the fires of kundalini awakening in our root.

What Is Hatha Yoga?

I practiced yoga for many years before I actually knew what Hatha Yoga meant. If you don’t know, it’s nothing to be ashamed of -- it’s been trendy to practice pieces of Hatha Yoga for years without a deeper understanding.  Yet the actual meaning of what so many are participating in and the journey they are activating within is extremely transformational. The intention and frequency behind the concept “Hatha Yoga” is incredibly deep and profound and I’d like to discuss it here.

Gemini Birthstones: Sodalite And Serpentine

Gemini is the sign of the twins. It is a very mentally oriented sign which can often manifest as a sort of “dual nature.” Communication is a strong suit for the natural Gemini and ruled by Mercury the messenger we find Gemini governing largely the throat chakra as well as standing at the helm of right and left brain integration (or disintegration).

An Intro To The Vagus Nerve & The Connection To Kundalini

The yogis and rishis of old sat in lotus, immersed in Samadhi, listening to the sounds of the ether and bringing through timeless information from the cosmos. How did they reach this state of peaceful bliss and cosmic consciousness? This article points you in the direction of the mystical kundalini energy referenced in the practice of yoga as well as introduces you to the all-important Vagus nerve, and how these two are related.

Relax into Love with Damiana

Resonant with the Goddess Ganga, the holy river in India, and Ochun in Nigeria (Oxun in Latin America), deity of the river waters both representing and revering luxury, sexuality, pleasure, fertility, love and beauty, Damiana is the herbal manifestation of these expressions. It has long been believed throughout the world that by drinking, eating or being surrounded by Damiana you would be blessed with increase in the areas of love and intimate relations.

Capricorn Birth Stones - Garnet & Ruby

As we step into a new year we are steeped in the consciousness of new frequencies, new energy patterns and the massive intentional waves generated by the collective to “create anew” - for this is what Capricorn inspires. It is no wonder “new year's resolutions” come in with the influence of this sign. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn birth stones of garnet and ruby are all about grounding one into core power and strength for the long haul.

The Great and Masterful Moola Bandha Lock

As one of the most important and powerful practices in all of yoga, the Moola Bandha lock, when practiced regularly, can make you great and masterful in the full spectrum of your life. How? Truth is, by lifting and engaging the perineum and bringing attention to the root of your being you are solidifying and strengthening your core essence. And this is key to pretty much everything.

Death and Dying - Yogic Teachings On What Happens When We Pass

For many of us, death is not something we think about until someone close to us passes. We may find ourselves ill-equipped to handle the intense emotions that come with losing someone we love. We may not want to think about death as it could make us upset or frightened, yet it is the people who reflect upon dying that find both a deep gratitude for being alive and an urgency to focus on what matters most in this life.