Roger Schwartz
Roger Schwartz
Roger was born in 1957 and raised in northeast Wisconsin U.S. He is the eldest of a farm family of eight children.
A whirlwind experience with addiction - focused primarily on alcohol - began in his mid-teens, and ended at the age of 22 with a 30-day program in a rehabilitation center.
His life since has been one of recovery and search for deeper meaning through 12-step practice, metaphysical study, and more recently, remote energy work.
Beginning in 2013, he continues study and training in remote energy processes under the guidance of Jona Bryndis, founder and owner of, and Jeff Casper, founder and owner of
Roger currently holds certifcation as a level III transCOACH, Master of multiple remote energy modalities, and is Director of Remote Prayers at
Chat With A Healer: Roger Schwartz
- I had always had – looked at as God’s sort of a punishing thing and outside of me. So, that was part of my difficulty in the 12 steps is that I never internalized that. So I was always expecting something outside of me to fix me basically. So, a transition from external to an internal higher power which I learned after some time it’s through our heart center where we connect with our actual higher power source – God, Divine, whatever you want to call it. That made all the difference in the world because then I learned that this energy was available to me all the time and always had been, I just covered it up. So, now I had access to this energy to higher vibrational frequencies, love, acceptance, understanding, compassion those kinds of things. And I could bring it out from within me at all times and carry it. So that helped greatly in clearing out a lot of these programs and patterns that I developed since being young. And so things started to change dramatically. I just stayed involved with the energy work and eventually was asked if I would like to start training and it was kind of a natural progression to where we integrated 12 step principles and with the grace modality that is very common there.
- It’s a base of a lot of energy work. So, we developed a modality specifically for recovery, called Grace Recovery. And since then I have a website, where I do my own energy mode energy work. I do both grace integrity there and grace recovery and personal coaching.
- So, coming from this higher vibrational frequency is just bigger picture. It’s much easier to get through life and there is so much more joy and peace in it and it’s quite amazing. But recovery, we approached it, the work – when people hear about the word, they think that it’s all about addiction and dependency and stuff. But it’s full – it’s well-rounded. It covers all aspects of life, mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and the intent is to reconnect to our – return to our original state of connection with our higher power or inner divinity which is a state of prior to or previous, before the addictive structure and all was developed.
Marji: I’m going to ask you a little bit about how you started on this journey of energy work with recovery and I know that that’s just one piece of it but maybe we can start there, if you’d like to share.
Roger: Okay. I guess I go back – I have to go back to my early life, where I actually ran into some issues with drinking and – I was very young actually. I was always quite a shy person and isolated – I grew up very isolated. So, I wasn’t socialized very well and I believe I probably started testing some drinks out after my parents had company on some nights. So, I was cleaning up the table and discovered some magic within it and I became very warm, and fear went away. It felt good, so over the years I just started drinking more and more. And I went through a very rapid decline probably between 18 and 22 and I ended up in treatment. I spent after a month and spent about 15 very active years in the 12-step program. It changed my whole life, made some of the best friends of my life. I learned a lot of things but I always felt there was further to go because a lot of my things would return: anger, fears, that type of thing. And I wasn’t feeling fulfilled completely, right?
So, I began – shortly after I got out of treatment probably first year or two, I started – I became interested in metaphysics and all things spiritual – going further into spiritually and learning more about that. I went out for those 15 years active in AA and then I became a little bit disillusioned because I still – all those things were still returning to me. I’m still having relationship issues and … a little bullet down to the stomach and stuff all the time, so some discomfort and things weren’t coming into my life the way I expected them to. I began a new career and I began to isolate. I started working and went into quite a few dark years. I never drank again or used anything but isolated and became very angry. Basically angry at life and the world, at people, who I would see living happy lives, relationships have been working out for them. None of that was happening. So, there was a lot of self-anger.
Marji: Anger to yourself. Yes. And so...
Roger: Yes. Anger at myself and just confusion as to why things weren’t working, so I was drawn back – after some years I was drawn back to metaphysics again. And somehow one thing led to another and I did some transmissions with transCODES and I went to – before they had – the first two seminars they ever did were in Orlando, Florida. I was fortunate, there was only about an hour from my house. I went to both of them. And, yes, it was wonderful and things just started just breaking up, all the energy started breaking loose for me there. Both weekends were very emotional and I think probably the first time I got in touch with my heart for years. And it was just beautiful and... I was hooked right from that point on so I began participating in a lot of sessions. And things started clearing out; I learned more about connecting to my heart and one interesting thing, one big life-changing thing, was a change from an externalization of my higher power to an internalization.
I had always had – looked at as God’s sort of a punishing thing and outside of me. So, that was part of my difficulty in the 12 steps is that I never internalized that. So I was always expecting something outside of me to fix me basically. So, a transition from external to an internal higher power which I learned after some time it’s through our heart center where we connect with our actual higher power source – God, Divine, whatever you want to call it. That made all the difference in the world because then I learned that this energy was available to me all the time and always had been, I just covered it up. So, now I had access to this energy to higher vibrational frequencies, love, acceptance, understanding, compassion those kinds of things. And I could bring it out from within me at all times and carry it. So that helped greatly in clearing out a lot of these programs and patterns that I developed since being young. And so things started to change dramatically. I just stayed involved with the energy work and eventually was asked if I would like to start training and it was kind of a natural progression to where we integrated 12 step principles and with the grace modality that is very common there.
It’s a base of a lot of energy work. So, we developed a modality specifically for recovery, called Grace Recovery. And since then I have a website, where I do my own energy mode energy work. I do both grace integrity there and grace recovery and personal coaching.
Marji: So what does – can I ask a real quick question? Just for anyone listening, what does recovery in this type of work mean because – and I want to do a two-fold question actually. And how would someone know – I mean, there’s the obvious, someone’s an addict but in some cases people might not even be aware that they have addictive behaviors because it’s not necessarily drugs or alcohol. It could be over exercise, right? Where... you’re basically running from your life, right? Numerous things and we don’t – because it’s supposed to be a positive thing for you, we don’t recognize it as an indicative pattern, right? And I would like to ask a little bit about recovery and as far as the grace recovery goes and what that feels like or looks like in this type of work?
Roger: Well what it actually is, a person is working directly with the universal divine shield and they’re able – within that field to align to higher frequencies, so, faster vibrational frequency that I mentioned already, compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, for example. And in that practice or in that process, they are able to step back a little bit, become an observer of their life, what’s happened to them, to observe, see it from a larger – from the big picture.
And maybe the people in their lives that they’ve held responsible for things were actually doing the best they can. For example, in many cases people do the best they can through their life for where they’re at at that time. So, these energies can help to start clearing things from our past and the more we do that, the more the clearer this inner connection to our higher power becomes. So, you’re spending more and more time resonating with these faster vibrational frequencies. So, it allows you to go through life much easier because you’ve seen it from a different point of view, not that something so much that happens to you. The more you come to see what goes out in your life, what is important is how you react to it, right?
So, coming from this higher vibrational frequency is just bigger picture. It’s much easier to get through life and there is so much more joy and peace in it and it’s quite amazing. But recovery, we approached it, the work – when people hear about the word, they think that it’s all about addiction and dependency and stuff. But it’s full – it’s well-rounded. It covers all aspects of life, mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and the intent is to reconnect to our – return to our original state of connection with our higher power or inner divinity which is a state of prior to or previous, before the addictive structure and all was developed.
As we came in more trained or to live in society and externalize everything.
Marji: With recovery of our lost pieces, right?
Roger: Yes.
Marji: It’s like almost a remembering of that, right?
Roger: Yes. All our wounded parts and everything, we put them all back together. You have to work with karmic aspects, perhaps things that are brought down through generations of your family, addictive patterns and all, beliefs, inner child where a lot of things are stored, pains from your childhood, that kind of stuff is all cleared out of the way so that we can continue to improve this connection to our source energy but – and we also approach it – I mean, it’s an improvement of physical health and you cover all aspects. It’s just a continuous improvement in your state.
Marji: For someone who doesn’t know, and Roger and I worked together for a long time.
But what would a typical session look like for someone? So, I know that it can happen remotely but some of them might not know that, right?
And so, is there a pre-requisite for this? Does someone have to be sober for so long or maybe they haven’t gone through AA? Can anyone – can anyone do a session or session review?
Roger: Yes, it’s for anyone. Sometimes it depends on how much emotion the person has stored in them and if they need some emotional release first. Grace integrity would be a good place to start but we can do grace recovery at any time, it doesn’t matter if you’re in recovery, have no intention to go on any kind of recovery. I mean, there’s a lot of benefits to it for anyone actually.
Marji: What would you say you saw once you started working at grace recovery? Did you notice maybe a couple key things in people or is it just ease or more comfort with being themselves and this physical body? Or was there – did you notice that people find more joy and peace in their lives just in everyday and their ability to respond to things differently. What was the big “Aha” thing like for you? If there are I am sure it’s multiple.
Roger: I just finished the three-Sunday intensive this past Sunday and there were a variety of experiences and there were people who were aware of releasing burial pains from when they were young. And it often goes very smoothly because you’re doing this, you’re observing it from the higher frequency. So, you recognize sadness for example, but you don’t go fully into the pain again from the situation that happened. So, you’re able to resolve issues in that way and let go of a lot of emotion. One participant spent almost an hour – off-and-on -- crying, releasing old emotional baggage and I also was in communications with one person that shifted their whole view on anger, how they were approaching things that came to them just since this Sunday. I got a message today that they were just so grateful. Actually, how they were dealing with their critical inner voices, if you are aware of that, you are. I know you are.
Actually negative messages we tell ourselves all the time, how they were dealing with that had totally shifted and they were able to deal with numerous situations just today, where they would have normally -- erupted in intense anger but recognized the situation, felt the anger and were able to, by staying in connection with our heart, allow those energies to dissipate without reacting. You can’t ignore these things in emotional, the triggers and stuff are always there. You’ll get angry and stuff but you’ll learn to reconnect to your heart and stay in that space. You can just observe the energies and let them pass by and realize that they’re not you. So there’s lots of cool things. Every session is different but – and usually quite insightful for people. We often are shown patterns and stuff, how they function to get through life in ways they no longer want to or ways that were causing problems for them those...
Marji: And they might not even be aware of.
Yes. And then again it’s from the higher vibrational frequencies and our willingness to open up. When you’re working in the energy field there, you set your intent and there’s higher energies that are working with us, doing this work. So things are brought out to your attention. It’s quite amazing actually and very beautiful for a lot of people.
Marji: Very beautiful and very cool stuff. Very, very cool stuff. Well, I want to thank you for your time. Would you like to say the name of your website one more time for me and so someone can reach you?
Roger: Yes. Website is and Facebook is recoveryourheart.
I also offer a free 30-minute initial coaching.
Marji: Roger, I love working with you. So, I want to thank you so much for sharing and for the work that you do because I know how much time, energy and love you put into this and it’s an honor and I’m truly grateful to have been part of your journey. So, I want to just honor you for that.
Roger: Well, thank you Marji.