Marilyn Lawrence

Marilyn Lawrence


Marilyn humbly credits the information that is received during each private session, and in the workshops, to God, the Angels, Masters, Guides and ascended loved ones. She opens herself up to All Divine-level Communication with the pure intention of being the conduit of messages that will aid those who are ready to spread their wings, understand, and flourish.  

The Angels have the road map of our past, present and future, and hence know what is best for us at all times, they know the answers to our questions, and they know what we wrote on our mission statements before we entered this life. They are always with us, and are longing to help us reconnect to our truth of being, but because of free-will they are unable to step in* unless we ask for their help.

Are you longing for answers and directions? Do you “miss” yourself and want to find yourself again? 

There are answers for you. There are directions and solutions. There is no need to suffer any longer in the numbed state of avoidance, getting by, or muddled in conformity of what is not you.

Asking for Divine-level assistance can help with soul-direction and may bring answers to questions that have been plaguing you.

Few have not felt the shifts and changes as the human realm makes a marketable escalation in conscious thinking and awareness; in fact, the biggest proliferation in history.

This reformation can be experienced and witnessed physically, energetically, and emotionally, and because the energies with this shift are so concentrated, it can sometimes make people feel they are in upheaval, and in a turmoil-laden spiral…out-of-control, confused, lonely and sad. Often people are unaware that the problems they are experiencing are related to this heightened awareness period.

Are you longing to be fulfilled in your life and currently feel that you are not? Perhaps you are experiencing some of the above emotions, or a longing for something, and you just do not know what or why. Separation from your path thus, inability to achieve your mission statement can create these perceptions.

Is it time for you to ask for help…ask for a flashlight to find your way?

Marilyn never knows what messages will be communicated, and who will be conveying the messages. She works in an Angelically protected space, and asks for information that will align with your highest and greatest good for improvement, progression, and elevation.

*to clarify, God and the Angels are able to step in to a soul’s life if it has been written in their mission statement before entering this life.

Marilyn is available for phone sessions as well as in-person.

For more information, please visit the Marilyn Lawrence website or Marilyn's Facebook page. 

Marilyn will be hosting a 28 Day Sculpting Challenge. To join the challenge check out the 28 Day Sculpting Challenge website & Facebook group.

If you love to read, you will love these great books written by Marilyn:




Chat With A Healer: Marilyn Lawrence


  • Finally I said I guess it is time for me to get on my purpose. I guess it is time for me to make the difference I know I am supposed to be making in my life. When I made that comment, or threw that out there to the universe, I guess I should have been prepared for the messages coming back. But I was not listening to it at first. Because I did not listen, the lessons had to come pretty strongly and give me the lessons I needed to hear so I could get on my path. So, you know, after I healed some wounds and healed some bruises I said okay, tell me what I need to do.
  • What would you like me to do and what is supposed to happen in my life to make a difference? I started getting communications from the angels; however I could not understand a darn thing they were saying. It was like they spoke in a foreign language. They spoke so fast that I finally had to say, wait a minute. Slow down, you know me, make it easy. Please, I want to do whatever I can to do for my purpose. But would you please make it a little easier. So they have. And as we talk through some of the tools they have given me to share, you will laugh. And I am sure they laugh every time I share it. It has been a pretty fabulous transition to open myself up and have confidence that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and stop second guessing everything. I think the biggest lesson for people when they start receiving messages is: have faith that it is a message. Just because it is coming to you first in your own voice does not make it not a message.
  • Learning how to receive. That is what I did.
  • I had universal support. So once you do that, once you make that commitment, and are doing the things that you wrote on the mission statement of your life, then you have universal support. I can be a testament to that, along with anyone who has been through that kind of thing. I think that you have too Marji.
  • Everything is easy, that is another huge lesson the angels taught me. Everything is easy. We spend so much time in our days overanalyzing everything that we do not take a step forward. We think about something that we want to do, and we think about it and think about it and bring forward all of the obstacles that may never come true. We end up never taking that step forward. But everything is easy. Just do it. If you do not like it, do not do it again. If you like it, do it again.

Interview Audio:



Interview Transcription:

Marilyn: I’ll start by saying a little bit about my history. I have not always been on this path. I have been focusing in this direction for the last, I would say, ten years. Prior to that I had different careers and I was all about me, and being quite successful, and running that rat pack kind of life. But I was not complete, there was something missing in me. No matter how hard I pushed myself, no matter how much I worked, I just was not happy. There was something missing in me.

Finally I said I guess it is time for me to get on my purpose. I guess it is time for me to make the difference I know I am supposed to be making in my life. When I made that comment, or threw that out there to the universe, I guess I should have been prepared for the messages coming back. But I was not listening to it at first. Because I did not listen, the lessons had to come pretty strongly and give me the lessons I needed to hear so I could get on my path. So, you know, after I healed some wounds and healed some bruises I said okay, tell me what I need to do.

What would you like me to do and what is supposed to happen in my life to make a difference? I started getting communications from the angels; however I could not understand a darn thing they were saying. It was like they spoke in a foreign language. They spoke so fast that I finally had to say, wait a minute. Slow down, you know me, make it easy. Please, I want to do whatever I can to do for my purpose. But would you please make it a little easier. So they have. And as we talk through some of the tools they have given me to share, you will laugh. And I am sure they laugh every time I share it. It has been a pretty fabulous transition to open myself up and have confidence that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and stop second guessing everything. I think the biggest lesson for people when they start receiving messages is: have faith that it is a message. Just because it is coming to you first in your own voice does not make it not a message.

Learning how to receive. That is what I did. I got this message to start writing books and I laughed to myself knowing that my high school English teacher is probably amazed that I am writing a book. Then I got the message that I needed to go out in front of people and start talking about the messages in the books. Again I had to laugh at myself knowing that in college I dropped Beginning Speech twice when they pulled out the video camera. But this time I made a promise. I made a promise I said, OK, I am ready to do my purpose.

 If you bring that purpose to me then I will do it. And since I made that promise to a pretty high place, I could not go back on it. And everything became easy then. Writing flowed, talking in front of people flowed, and it was easy. I had universal support. So once you do that, once you make that commitment, and are doing the things that you wrote on the mission statement of your life, then you have universal support. I can be a testament to that, along with anyone who has been through that kind of thing. I think that you have too Marji.

Marji: Yes, we all have. You know, or anyone who is paying attention or conscious of wanting to do. I call it being connected to my true self and doing my divine purpose in every action that I do. Now, I do not always do that. But it definitely, when we are aligned and trusting, or for me; it does seem that everything just flows. You find love in every act and interaction. It is beautiful. And it is not only beautiful for ourselves, but everyone around us and the earth. All of it, our animals, everything, and you see everything so differently.

Marilyn: So true. That is so true. I feel so honored to be an active participant now. Like you said, every day I am getting vibes. I am actively participating in the good. So along with the books and the talks, I also give private sessions where I sit with people either over the phone like we are or in person and I simply open myself up. Like my books, I open myself up. Whatever you want in the books I will transfer onto the pages. Whatever you want me to say to this person, I call it divine master level or higher, their guidance counselor guardian angel, and just receive whatever is for that person’s highest and greatest good.

It’s always interesting because I have no idea what is going to come through. I do not prejudge or have any perceptions of anything. I just know that it is going to be for that particular person’s good. So sometimes we have loved ones that have crossed over and come forward and sometimes we have pets, and I do not hold back anymore. I get a lot of pictures now because I spend a lot of time being able to see and hear and know. I had this picture of a big duck with a big orange bill come in, and you know I am sitting there like really I am going to say this to this person. But I said, OK I am not going to hold back now and I said it to this gal and she started crying. And she said that was my favorite pet of all time.

So it is just amazing. I feel honored, like I said. I feel so honored to be helping people like this. They also have given me the ability to see – I see people, kind of like the outline of a ghost.  Inside is all this beautiful white and sparkly, and the divine beauty of how we were born. But then I will see these pockets of gray or dark, and those are pockets most often of chewed on emotions.

Something happens in our life and we keep it and we hold on to it and we bring it up and punish ourselves with it and we bring it up and we chew on it and keep it and it starts festering it, and that is often what becomes disease. We often do not let go of it. And they help me go in and just pluck this from peoples’ space and clean it out so they can be filled more with the divine beauty of their self. It is really. I never know what I am going to do from one person to the next.

Marji: Clearing that out is, in clearing that out can I ask something? Because I know that for me, I view the darkness as absence of light. And they know that it is part of either trauma, or whatever. And it is an experience of either this life or a path we brought here, right? But as you do that do you notice that they are more aware of their light and able to  allow that  to maybe lead their way a little bit more?

Marilyn: Yes. So when you remove those things you are more of yourself. You allow that divine beauty to come in and fill you up back up again. It is so, I do not know if you watched that movie Pretty Woman. I think every woman has. There is a certain line in there that I think is so perfect to describe it. She says to Richard Gere, who I think would be difficult to lie next to, and she says to him ‘the hard stuff is easier to believe.’ So when people say bad things to us or about us, for some reason we hold on to that until we learn not to.

We hold onto that and we punish ourselves. We bring it up and we say ‘oh yeah, but he did say that against me so it is probably true.’ And all of a sudden we take their side of it and we go on their team. We get off of our team and it is time that we move back onto our team. Stop taking the side of the teams of everybody who says something against us. They have the right. Anyone can say anything they want to, they have their own right. But that does not mean that we are going to carry their lessons. We have our own assignments. We need to get busy and be in the full life of us so that we can do the things that we need to do.

Marji: Yes. So typically how long does a session last?

Marilyn: I let the person tell me how long they would like to go. Some people have some financial constraints. Some people say they are going to go 30 minutes and we end up two hours later. It all depends on what we are working on. Sometimes when we are working on some larger issues it may take longer. And in fact, in many cases I ask our angel Metatron to come in and I ask him to help clean and balance the chakras.

Marilyn: Everything is easy, that is another huge lesson the angels taught me. Everything is easy. We spend so much time in our days overanalyzing everything that we do not take a step forward. We think about something that we want to do, and we think about it and think about it and bring forward all of the obstacles that may never come true. We end up never taking that step forward. But everything is easy. Just do it. If you do not like it, do not do it again. If you like it, do it again.

Marilyn: Yeah, so it is a pretty amazing thing to watch. I get these emails from people. In fact, with my latest book, 28 Day Challenge, I thought I was doing pretty well. And I have been writing books now since I started and I had been going out and talking in front of people, and I had been minding all of the things they had been asking me to do. And I was given more lessons. I was like, I am comfortable with that. I said, wait a minute angels, I thought I was doing good. I am on the right path, right?

This time, instead of allowing any of those doubts or fear triggers or what is going to happen next come in, I was very strict with my thinking. Day and night I told myself any time that came in, whatever is happening is from the highest and greatest good. I absolutely know that I am being protected in everything that is going on with my life. Two weeks of taking out any kind of thing that might negatively affect me, and filling myself up with the faith that everything that’s happening in my life was for my highest and greatest good.

I know that is true. I know it, I know it, and I know it. Then two weeks go by and something changes and all of a sudden all of these things started falling into my lap. I called my husband and said ‘you are not going to even believe who just called me.’ So all of these things started to come together.

The angels said I am glad you like it, now go write the book and teach it. So the 28 days is about this intermagnatism. Being very conscious of your life. Being an active participant in the life you want to lead. Question your words, your thoughts, and your actions. So for 28 days we do assignments, all based on stirring up all the stuff that gets in our way, we do not even know we are still carrying.

Things we thought we got rid of years ago, guess what there is still a little trigger. It has just been a wonderful progression. I get emails from people thanking me for opening up their life and for healing.

Marji: Where can I get that book?

Marilyn: You can go to my website for that book and my other book. So my website, Also available online. But if you go to I could actually mail you a signed copy.

It is called The 28 Day Sculpting Challenge. And it should be on my website, although I did hire someone to redo my website so there may be some regression there.

My email is connected through the website so they can just do the contact form on the website. The 28 Day Challenge has its own website that is being finished up in the next couple of weeks. So people will be able to go directly to that site too.

Marji:  Oh that is perfect, that is perfect.  Is there, if someone is doing the 28 Day Challenge and they have questions, can thy contact you?

Marilyn: There are two ways of doing the 28 Day Challenge. They have a manual which they can buy, which is $12.95 and they can do a self-directed progression through the 28 days. Or they can sign up for the full 28 Day Challenge which is $150. With that of course you get the manual, you get daily emails from me, you get an hour long private session with me where I can actually go in and help remove some of the things that are being stirred up and are creating the conflicts.

I have tried, I have moved that same goal to my goal board now for 6 years. I cannot ever seem to get it. We’ll find out why, find out what the triggers are, what is keeping you in place. I am able to go in and help people. They get an hour-long coaching call with Dale, my husband, who is an internationally recognized motivational speaker and a life coach. And they get an hour-long call between the two of us. There is a lot of hands on.

Marji: Oh that is perfect. To help them find themselves and be more successful. That is great. That is wonderful. Well I am looking forward to doing the 28 Day Challenge, and hopefully when it is all ready to go and the site is up we can share that on Basmati so people can join in.

Marilyn: Well you know we have this huge resource available to us. We forget to call on it, or we doubt it is a possibility. If we cannot see it, then certainly something like calling in the angels will not work so we will just go to the drug store and buy chemicals. We have to shift this thinking and realize we have huge resources.

Marji: Yeah. They want to. They are begging. I always call it the little friendly tap. They are tapping on us to remind us, hey we are here. Listen, pay attention. Sometimes they might bring out a baseball bat depending on if you are not listening and they really want your attention. I tease about that.

It is so true. I think I have been hit by a semi-truck before.

Marilyn: I think we have to be sometimes. And that is what I said, ok if you are going to say you are ready for your purpose then be ready for the messages to guide you there.

Marji: Because they do. Well Marilyn it was so wonderful talking to you. I would love to do this again sometime. I would really like to honor and thank your time. Honor your path and your sharing with everyone. It is a true gift. I am very, very grateful.

Marilyn: Well Marji, I want to say ditto. I appreciate so much your dedication to creating Basmati and opening up people who are able to help people who help other people. You are taking the time to make a difference in this world. I really appreciate you for that.

Articles by Marilyn Lawrence