#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 86


Half Moon Pose/ Ardha Chandrasana


Strengthens arms, legs, and core.

Improves balance.

Stretches arms, legs, chest, and back. 

Foundation & General Alignment:

Arm and leg are foundation of pose, hand can be flat on ground or up on finger tips.

Leg that is straight out is toned and in line with body.

Upper body is as straight as possible.

Other arm is extended upward.

Body is flat, black is not curved and legs are bent.

Chest is not caved inward, shoulders are back and away from ears.

Neck is extended, can be looking upward or downward.

Common Problems: 

Back is curved.

Leg is not straight with body. 

Head is not being supported by neck.


Can be done against the wall for support.

Can also be done on knee if unable to balance.