Healthy Dish: Vegan Chocolate Mousse

Vegan desserts are one of the latest food fads for both vegans and non-vegans alike, as they offer a heart-healthy alternative to some seriously fatty cravings. This vegan chocolate mousse is not only sweet and flavorful, but it’s also very rich, which means you can simply have a couple spoonfuls to satisfy those sweet cravings without any added guilt.

Even better, this recipe only requires four ingredients and takes less than 10 minutes to make. Each ingredient serves a key purpose and can be adjusted according to your personal preference. The dates act as a natural sweetener, while the almond butter provides protein and helps create the creamy, mousse texture. Coconut milk also helps with the texture and provides enough liquid to break up the dates. Last, but certainly not least, the cocoa or cacao powder gives it the chocolaty flavor that essentially makes the dessert.

This recipe calls for coconut milk, but almond milk or another non-dairy milk option will work just as well. Same goes for the almond butter. Peanut butter or another nut butter (sunflower or cashew butters, for example) can be used as an alternative and create a very different, but equally as delicious flavor. While the vegan mousse is better served chilled (to allow for it to congeal a bit), it’s still delicious served straight from the blender.

For presentation (if you’re serving this to a group of friends or family members), I suggest serving the mousse in tiny mason jars or wine glasses. Top it with your favorite fruit—strawberries, raspberries or blueberries work best—to add some extra color and flavors to the dish.


Vegan Chocolate Mousse

Serves 3 to 4

8 dates (pitted)

1/2 cup creamy almond butter

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa or cacao powder

3/4 cup coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk)

Blend all of the ingredients in a reliable food processor until creamy and smooth. Adjust the coconut milk measurements to help blend and thicken the mousse. Feel free to add more cocoa powder for a richer chocolate flavor and more dates to enhance the sweetness.

Chill for a few hours before serving—if you have the patience.